Can life be described in just photographs?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

ML- A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

You’ve taken hundreds, if not thousands of them in your life. Each one captures a moment in your life, whether you wish to remember it or not. It is in these moments that a stranger can see momentarily into your life and make a judgment about it.

I believe you can take a good photograph without being a good photographer. Sure, sometimes it truly is about the technique and the skill at which one handles a camera. I’m not saying I’m a good photographer, or that the photos that I take are good.

What I can say is that every photograph, no matter the quality, will tell a story by itself.

That’s the reason I started this blog. And that’s also the reason why I’m inviting others to become authors in this blog too, to post their own photographs. I’m hoping with this project, everyone who participates can become a better photograph, a better storyteller.

So, what can we say about the posts on this blog?

There are just a few simple rules for each thing posted.
  1. No self portraits and no photographs taken of people posing for a photograph.
  2. No inappropriate photographs (after all, think of the children!)
Also, when posting a photograph, a location of where it was taken would be nice too, along with the camera used for the wonderful photograph.


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